Visit once for the experience. Keep returning for the results.
Located in Cedarburg, WI
Your Massage Therapist: Lisette Brown
Pure Healing Journey
Therapeutic Massage

“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well”
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
World Health Organization

Contact Me
COVID-19 Highlights
Masks in lobby
Cancellation policy is relaxed for COVID related symptoms, illness, and/or exposure, otherwise, regular cancellation policy applies.
All clients are screened and need to sign a liability waiver form in regard to COVID before each session.
Social distancing when in waiting room continues.
LMT hand hygiene before and after each service continues.
Disinfecting of all contact surfaces in the room & waiting room before and after each client.
Clean linens for each client & lnaundry cleansed and sanitized after each use continues.
Air purifier in room is on during every service.